The main goal of the FutuRES project (Integral Technological Platform for the Home of the Future) is to develop a set of technologically and conceptually innovative tools, aimed at:
- Improving quality of life, health and the relationship that the institutionalised elderly have with their environment, thereby boosting their independence as far as possible, through personal motivation, and encouraging their active participation in society, promoting continuous training and education for the rest of their lives and avoiding feelings of isolation, rejection and loneliness.
- Improving the healthcare given to the residents through continuous monitoring and analysis of processes and reducing the response time of the centre’s healthcare professionals when addressing emergencies and critical situations.
- Removing the feeling of abandon which the direct relatives face when the time comes for admitting their elderly person to the elderly persons’ home, and fostering dynamic and alternative communication channels to reinforce intergenerational relationships.
The technological tools to be developped by this project intend to promote the Information Society among the institutionalised elderly and provide efficient solutions to real problems, taking into consideration specific needs, concerns and demands proposed by the beneficiaries of the system themselves, that is, the elderly, their relatives and healthcare professionals.