“EU-LAM community to foster international cooperation on eHealth applications and Technologies” (@HEALTH) is a programme jointly financed by the area of the Health and Information Society Technologies (e-Health) of the EU’s VI R&D Framework Programme.
Its objective is to create a European and South-American community of researchers, companies, medical associations and other interested bodies that work in the field of e-health in order to promote cooperation, technology transfer and to carry out a series of research and development projects through specific finance programmes and mechanisms.
This community will promote the dissemination of European and South American e-health technologies and practices, adapted to local needs, as well as specific research projects to develop flexible and useful technologies.
Though the @HEALTH web portal, people and organisations from different countries with different cultures and technical knowledge will be invited to share their e-health knowledge in order to promote cooperation in R&D&I initiatives and the economic growth of the E-health sector in Europe and Latin America.
Work on this project began in May 2005, with a planned duration of two years. The project consortium is formed by eight European and South American organisations: CIAOTECH (project coordinator), ITACA, Danish Center for Health Telematics, AIRIAL, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Centro de Telemedicina de Colombia, Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información de Venezuela, and Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina.
TSB has participated fundamentally in the design, development and maintenance of the Virtual Community telematics platform and led the identification process of European and South American organisations, projects and good practices in the e-health sector. Currently, more than 1,700 organisations have been identified, and over 400 e-health projects have been registered.