Vicente Traver Salcedo

Vicente Traver Salcedo

Director ITACA-SABIEN group (Technological Innovations for Health and Wellbeing)
University Professor – Universitat Politècnica València

PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. His R&D&I and technology transfer activities are focused on digital health, leading ITACA’s SABIEN group (Technological Innovations for Health and Wellbeing).
Full professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, he has been teaching subjects related to ICT and health since 2001. He has participated in more than 120 European and national R&D projects and 30 research agreements with companies in the telemedicine and e-health sector. Author of 50 articles in international journals and 10 in national journals, and more than 120 presentations at international and national conferences. Promoter and founder of two spin-offs.
Organiser of the IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics 2014 conference and various international conferences and workshops.
Full list of publications at


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