This kit allows learning to use Arduino through a careful selection of electrical components most commonly used, of an Arduino Uno and of set of the necessary accessories (cable USB A / B, breadboard). Thanks to the manual included in the kit, they can be made practical applications choosing within 15 projects explained, starting with some simple designed to teach the basic concepts of electronics, until more complex projects that allow discover how to interact with the physical world through sensors and actuators.
- ATmega328P
- SRAM: 2 KB
- 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
- USB and power supply
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
- Input Voltage (limit): 6-20V
- DC Current for I/O Pin: 20 mA
- DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
- Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
- PWM Digital I/O Pins: 6
- Analog Input Pins: 6
- 1 Projects Book (170 pages).
- 1 Arduino / Genuino Uno.
- 1 USB cable.
- 1 Breadboard 400 points.
- 70 Solid core jumper wires.
- 1 Easy-to-assemble wooden base.
- 1 9v battery snap.
- 1 Stranded jumper wires (black).
- 1 Stranded jumper wires (red).
- 6 Photoresistor [VT90N2 LDR].
- 3 Potentiometer 10kOhms.
- 10 Pushbuttons.
- 1 Temperature sensor [TMP36].
- 1 Tilt sensor.
- 1 alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters).
- 1 LED (bright white).
- 1 LED (RGB).
- 8 LEDs (red).
- 8 LEDs (green).
- 8 LEDs (yellow).
- 3 LEDs (blue).
- 1 Small DC motor 6/9V.
- 1 Small servo motor.
- 1 Piezo capsule [PKM17EPP-4001-B0].
- 1 H-bridge motor driver [L293D].
- 1 Optocouplers [4N35].
- 2 Mosfet transistors [IRF520].
- 5 Capacitors 100uF.
- 5 Diodes [1N4007].
- 3 Transparent gels (red, green, blue).
- 1 Male pins strip (40x1).
- 20 Resistors 220 Ohms.
- 5 Resistors 560 Ohms.
- 5 Resistors 1 kOhms.
- 5 Resistors 4.7 kOhms.
- 20 Resistors 10 kOhms.
- 5 Resistors 1 MOhms.
- 5 Resistors 10 MOhms.